

The Big Idea Magazine

The Big Idea Magazine, now in its fifth edition, departs from a promotional focus on research only at UH to pursue investigative academic journalism. We figured out that the best promotion of our research enterprise is to invest our considerable intellectual prowess in addressing the most critical research issues of our time.

Fall 2021

  • Changing the Model of Research
  • The Student Worker vs The Fellow
  • A Conflict of Conflicts

Spring 2021

  • The Perils of Open Science
  • Follow the Science – Not, Not That Science
  • Art in Flux
  • In Praise of Frivolous Questions

Fall 2020

  • Election to Electron
  • Science Integrity
  • In The Shadow of The Valley of Tech
  • From Concept to Commercialization

Fall 2019

  • Down to Earth
  • The Great Connector: Academia Meets the Market
  • Keeping the Lights On: The Cost of Research
  • How Should Universities View China?

Spring 2019

  • A New Way of Thinking
  • The Valley of Death Is Growing Wider
  • The Business of Research